Everything Belongs with Madison Morrigan

You are Trustworthy with Your Life with Audra Avery

Episode Summary

Today on the Everything Belongs Podcast, Madison is in conversation with Audra Avery. Audra Avery is a wildling. A mystic, widow, mama, lover, queer kid, and facilitator of exploratory spaces for curious humans. Born and raised inside the constraints of fundamentalist religion, Audra's primary spiritual practice is expanding their edges; deconstructing restrictive beliefs and identities, leaving bunkers in favor of open skies.

Episode Notes

Today on the Everything Belongs Podcast, Madison is in conversation with Audra Avery. Audra Avery is a wildling. A mystic, widow, mama, lover, queer kid, and facilitator of exploratory spaces for curious humans. Born and raised inside the constraints of fundamentalist religion, Audra's primary spiritual practice is expanding their edges; deconstructing restrictive beliefs and identities, leaving bunkers in favor of open skies. Through writing, collective conversation, and 1:1 depth mentorship, they spend their days creating as many paths to self-exploration as possible for as many people as possible. Because the world is richer when we're all fully expressed across every spectrum of our humanity. In this episode, Madison and Audra speak on growing up in testimony culture, feeling like you owe your private life to the world, their experience losing a partner to suicide in May of 2020, and, most importantly, learning that we are trustworthy with our lives. They also discuss self-compassion, non-explaining of the self, being with loneliness, living a quieter life, and trusting in life that is opening to us. 

Listen in and find the full show notes here: http://madisonmorrigan.com/podcast-rss-feed/106

Guest Links

Audra’s Patreon

Audra's Instagram

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