Everything Belongs with Madison Morrigan

Solo Episode | Self-Leadership: Letting go of the “Good Girl” identity

Episode Summary

Madison shares on shedding the "good girl" label as a path to healing and freedom. She speaks about her own history and experience with trying to live in this labelling and how she began unhooking from playing the damsel in distress.

Episode Notes

Today on this inspirational solo episode of the Everything Belongs Podcast, Madison shares on shedding the "good girl" label as a path to healing and freedom. She speaks about her own history and experience with trying to live in this labelling and how she began unhooking from playing the damsel in distress. Madison also shares what being hooked into "good girl" programming may look like and how to begin healing from it, including how her program, Awaken Her Soul, has guided women to own that they do not have to be good, perfect or in need of saving...to live from their worth! Listen in...

Listen in and find the full show notes here: http://madisonmorrigan.com/podcast-rss-feed/

Apply to work with Madison in her Mastermind: https://www.madisonmorrigan.com/rising-sovereign