Everything Belongs with Madison Morrigan

Solo Episode | Self-Leadership: Honoring our Anger and Setting Boundaries

Episode Summary

Today on this value-packed solo episode of the Everything Belongs Podcast, Madison shares her deep-felt understandings on becoming more alive as a woman while welcoming our clean anger.

Episode Notes

Today on this value-packed solo episode of the Everything Belongs Podcast, Madison shares her deep-felt understandings on becoming more alive as a woman while welcoming our clean anger. Through a personal poem, her own life lessons and her insights from years of coaching, she poses this powerful question to the audience: ARE YOU WILLING TO BE UNDIGNIFIED IF IT MEANS BEING FREE? Within this episode, she explores why anger carries stigma for women, why it is both biological and essential, how we over + under function to deny our own innate responsibility to ourselves, the basics of boundary setting to create inner safety, and what all of this has to do with the self-leadership she guides her clients through within her signature program, Awaken Her Soul.

Listen in and find the full show notes here: http://madisonmorrigan.com/podcast-rss-feed/33

Apply to work with Madison: https://www.madisonmorrigan.com/rising-sovereign